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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we will answer your questions about Our Products

Beauty Products

What is Keratin?

The Keratin is one of the techniques most used by women who want to straighten their hair and leave the strands well aligned. 

Over time, two active ingredients were discovered that are capable of straightening, the first to be discovered was formaldehyde and the other glyoxylic acid.

The name keratin comes because its formula contains natural keratin that is also found in the hair, in Brazil it is called Progressiva (because it is an accumulative straightening process).

It is very popular and can be used on wavy, curly and frizzy hair, which makes it a very versatile treatment.

 we can help you. Come check out this article to find out what the treatment does to the hair (besides straightening, of course), who can do it and what care should be taken with the locks.

What is Hair Botox Treatment

Botox hair treatment aims to give more treatment to hair that has already undergone chemical treatments or is dry, opaque or damaged, hair botox returns healthy life to hair, shine and softness. Botx hair treatment is also able to control frizz and volume

(note that botox hair treatment does not have straightening power).


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